AADOM’s Shining a Spotlight
Learn more about Greg Prince, AADOM’s June 2017 Spotlighted Member!
AADOM Member Since 2015
Adams Pediatric Dentistry
Nashville, TN
Q: What type of practice do you work in?
A: Pediatric
Q: What is your title?
A: Office Manager
Q: How long have you been with this practice?
A: 1 year 9 months
Q: What are some of the duties you are responsible for within your practice?
A: As the office manager, I’m responsible for team building & development, business development as well as process and policy development. In addition I handle staff training, insurance contracting, payroll, HR, hospital facility credentialing and community marketing. An added bonus, this year I’m also overseeing the office remodel!
Q: What is the most rewarding aspect of your career?
A: For me, it is so rewarding watching our team grow and reach new heights. We have a team that is constantly amazing me with new ideas and working together to get through those hard days. It’s not always easy, but last year they set many new records for a practice that has been around for 40 years. I couldn’t have done it alone! Oh, and working with kids! They can brighten up any day with their smiles!
Q: What do you see as some of the benefits of membership to AADOM?
A: I wouldn’t have made it through the past year-and-a-half without AADOM. In August of 2015 I left the banking world after over 10 years of experience. Three weeks into managing this practice, the AADOM conference was right here in Nashville. I made so many helpful connections to vendors and gained knowledge that would have taken me years to figure out on my own. Most importantly, though, I connected with other dental office management professionals who can relate to every situation I face. From those connections I have received so many amazing solutions and the most amazing support to push through the hard days.
Q: What other services would you like to see AADOM provide for dental office managers?
A: I think a “Dental Office Management 101” course at the conference each year would be great. Not everyone comes from a dental background or a management background. So having a basics of dentistry and/or a basics of management course would be beneficial to those entering this role for the first time.
Q: Have you ever attended an AADOM conference?
A: Yes
Q: Can you tell us about your experience?
A: Like I mentioned before, I attended my first conference 3 weeks into dentistry. That was a little overwhelming, yet just what I needed. I like to have a lot of resources at my fingertips and know where to turn for any challenges that comes my way. Without the first conference, and the connection to the AADOM forum, I would have been lost my first year.
The Boca experience was a little different, since I had a better understanding of my team and where our practice was heading, I was able to get information that was specific to the situations we were facing, and find solutions that fit our style.
No matter where you are in your professional career or what your practice is facing, AADOM is the perfect resource for you.
Q: Are you planning to attend AADOM17?
Q: Are you a Fellow or are you pursuing Fellowship?
A: I plan to start pursuing my Fellowship within this next year.
Q: What practice management software do you use?
A: Dentrix
Q: What company do you order the majority of your dental supplies from?
A: Nashville Dental, Inc.
Q: Do you or your practice support any charitable organizations?
A: As a practice, we are heavily involved with a local non-profit dental organization. Interfaith Dental Clinic provides low cost dentistry on a sliding-fee schedule. Their mission is to create a healthier community by providing transformational oral health care for those experiencing poverty. We are their primary provider of pediatric dentistry. Most dentists donate their time at Interfaith’s clinics, however, due to the need of sedation or hospital dentistry, we treat the patients in our office at no charge to Interfaith or the patients.
We are also involved with many local sports clubs, youth performing arts groups, and schools to help promote healthy lives and smiles.
Personally, I am proud to support an organization near to my heart, Sacred Selections. Sacred Selections is a non-profit adoption organization that connects children to Christian homes and fully funds the adoptions. My family was blessed to be recipients of these efforts in March 2015 when my sister adopted my niece. Since then, I have been involved in the local chapter’s efforts to put on an annual fundraiser. 2017 is the 10th anniversary of Sacred Selections, and the 6th anniversary of the local chapter. As of March 2017 Sacred Selections has fully funded 190+ adoptions! This year, our local group raised $44,207 in one night (that’s enough to fund 1.5 adoptions).
Q: What are some of your hobbies/interests outside of work?
A: Music! I live in “Music City”, (Nashville), where there are more music venues and concerts than restaurants. Ok, maybe not that many, but we have more than most cities. I also grew up performing on a stage, so whether I am in the audience, performing, or worshiping at church, music is my medicine!