Practice Management |2 min read

Can Your Practice Attract New Patients With Special Offers?

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We here at Mail Shark…Click to open a new window to their website… know many consumers cannot afford out-of-pocket dental expenses. It’s logical that many of these same consumers are looking for any savings they can find to make their visit to the dentist more affordable.

To gain additional insights as to how receptive consumers are to redeem special offers regarding dental services, we have conducted a consumer survey.

As part of our dental consumer research report (full report to be released next month), we asked 5,842 consumers, “If you received a special offer in the mail for dental services that you need, how likely are you to redeem that offer?”

Based on the survey results, we found that 82% are “Likely”, 41% are “Very likely”, & 41% are “Somewhat likely” to redeem an offer they receive in the mail, with only 18% reporting they are “Not at all Likely” to redeem any offers.

It’s clear that consumers are receptive to offers they receive in the mail for dental services. However, what isn’t as transparent but quite insightful, is analyzing the income demographic of those who responded that they are likely to redeem an offer.

What the data shows is that consumers with higher incomes are equally, if not more likely, to redeem a special offer than those with lower incomes. This further dispels the old notion that wealthy consumers don’t use coupons or special offers.

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Two Types of Special Offers We Recommend Considering For Your Practice:

There are many different types of offers you can use to attract new patients. However, as a best practice, we suggest using a minimum of two offers for new patients.

  1. Teeth Cleaning
  2. Teeth Whitening

The reason being is that teeth cleaning and teeth whitening are the top two reasons patients from our survey responded as to why they have recently visited the dentist.

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By using these two types of strategic offers you can cast a wide net that will appeal to a broad audience.

From here you can add additional offers you think would appeal to your practice’s specific prospective patients. Such as a complimentary second opinion or consultation, special offer for Invisalign or similar services, savings off other specific procedures, etc.

About the Author

Josh Davis Josh Davis is a sales professional, marketer, and direct mail marketing expert.

He provides high-level sales and marketing expertise to help businesses grow with direct mail. With over 12 years of experience in the industry, he understands the needs of small businesses, franchise networks, and corporate entities alike.

Josh is the Chief Revenue Officer for Mail Shark, a national direct marketing company and one of Inc. 5000’s fastest-growing companies 9 years in a row.

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