The Contra Costa, CA Chapter Celebrated Mental Health Awareness Month
Submitted by Elaina Wharton, MAADOM, Contra Costa, CA Chapter President
On May 12th, the Contra Costa, CA AADOM Chapter collaborated with the Partnership Study Club in a fabulous event for doctors and team members at Round Hill Country Club with guest speaker Dr. Uche Odiatu. This was a great event where we came together to discuss Health & Wellness. The presentation was titled “Calm Mind, Fit Body, Inspired Practice” This course content was perfect as May is #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth. The room was filled with smiles and laughter. In addition to amazing course content, our Chapter hosted a booth where we were able to share the benefits of what our local chapter has to offer to the dental community. To create some fun and excitement our booth had a raffle wheel, Chapter merch, and a special promo for new members joining that day. We are honored and thankful to be able to take part in this wonderful event.