Finding Silver Linings: How Staffing Changes Can Strengthen Your Dental Practice
Over the last three years, my practice has been through significant personnel changes, with six long-time employees retiring from 11-24 years of service and the practice owner selling the practice after 36 years due to cancer. It is an understatement to say that it was more intense than I had anticipated!
Often, during this time, I thought, “I cannot take one more setback. That is it; the next person who quits, I’m going with them!” I cannot handle interviewing, onboarding, and learning about another person’s job in this office.
I attended the 2023 AADOM Conference feeling an “overwhelmed, I can’t take one more setback” attitude. While there, I saw Chad Hymas’ presentation about his life and how he rediscovered his purpose after a traumatic event.
First, if you have never heard him speak, you SHOULD! Second, hearing his story made me pause and re-evaluate what I felt was “against” me.
Once I changed my perspective, I started finding silver linings in each setback!
Silver Lining # 1
Turn your personnel changes into an opportunity to re-evaluate the job description and update the position.
The financial coordinator’s leaving allowed me to restructure our financial positions. Instead of having a financial coordinator and an insurance coordinator, I blended the positions. From a customer service standpoint, both employees can answer any patient’s question.
In terms of training & retention, if an employee leaves, I have someone fully capable of training their new partner. For the overall workflow, I now have two team members tackling the most significant and relevant issues at any given time.
Silver Lining # 2
An opportunity to get fresh eyes on processes and procedures that have become a habit.
My least favorite response to “Why do you do that?” is “Because we always have.”
When a tenured team member resigns, it opens a valuable opportunity to bring a fresh perspective to established processes and procedures. This change allows us to re-access and redefine how we manage our daily duties.
For example, placing regularly used clinic supplies on auto shipment can reduce the time spent ordering high-volume products. Work smarter, not harder.
Silver Lining # 3
Also, an opportunity to redefine your onboarding strategies.
Streamlining the onboarding process can save time and resources, making it easier to integrate new hires smoothly. A structured onboarding process can make new employees feel welcome, supported, and more confident. Clear and comprehensive onboarding helps new hires understand their roles and responsibilities more quickly, leading to faster productivity.
A bonus is faster productivity, which means you can return to your regularly scheduled duties sooner. I have been creating an onboarding cheat sheet for myself, continually adding tips and tricks to improve it each time.
As you can see, I have found plenty of silver linings to keep me motivated during challenging staffing situations. Remember to give yourself space to recharge when needed and maintain a positive outlook on each instance.
In the words of Chad Hymas, “Believe in your ability to turn obstacles into opportunities.”
About the Author

Lisa Swanger, MAADOM
Lisa Swanger’s journey began in 2010 when she was hired at the front desk of an orthodontic practice. She set her sights on Practice Administrator and learned insurance, financials, treatment coordinating, and practice management across multiple offices.
She joined AADOM in 2021 and achieved her fellowship in 2022, demonstrating dedication to professional development. In 2024, Lisa earned her Mastership in AADOM’s Distinction program.
Outside work, Lisa finds joy in spending time with loved ones, being outdoors, and enjoying the thrill of a scary movie.