Practice Management |4 min read

Setting Your Practice Up For Success in 2022

Setting your practice up for success in 2022

Sponsored Post | Author: Dave Monahan, CEO of Kleer

It’s a new year, which always gives way to new possibilities. In the world of dentistry, a new year can mean finding new ways to set your practice up for success. With the … This text opens a new tab on the ADA website…labor shortage impacting nearly every industry in America, including dental practices, it’s of the utmost importance to figure out how to help your practice’s office team work smarter instead of harder in 2022.

This can mean finding ways to limit the excess administrative work that comes along with accepting a slew of PPOs, leaning on technology to automate the more time-consuming aspects of your job, and creating an easier and more seamless experience for patients.

Luckily, there’s one solution that can do all of this for you: a … This text opens a new tab on the Kleer website…Kleer membership plan.

The Benefits of a Kleer Membership Plan

Implementing a membership plan provides uninsured or underinsured patients with affordable access to care. While it’s possible to create a homegrown membership plan for your practice, it’s not recommended if the goal is to work smarter. Homegrown plans typically need a lot of maintenance and oversight, which can be an incredible drain on admins.

With Kleer, everything is easier because it’s all organized and automated through one intuitive platform. Kleer works alongside practices to create custom solutions for their patients, including plan details, competitive pricing, hands-on training, and marketing materials.

Membership plan examples

And according to Teresa Duncan, a lifetime member and a Fellow of AADOM, there are very, well, clear benefits to implementing Kleer within your practice.

Provide Better Coverage for Patients

Teresa understands all too well the pitfalls of dealing with PPO plans that weren’t actually built with the patient’s best interest in mind.

“Part of the frustration with managing benefits is the unknown,” says Teresa. “Even the most experienced insurance coordinators can generate an estimate and find out it’s not accurate due to a new clause or benefit restriction.”

And while it’s never the practice’s fault, the experience of finding out that a treatment they need is going to put them in a financial bind can be devastating for a patient, forcing them to choose between their oral health and their wallets. With Kleer, data has shown that … This text opens a new tab on the Kleer website…treatment acceptance is 2.3 times greater because patients know that they’ll be getting a discount.

2.3x more yeses: Kleer powered membership plans boost treatment acceptance

“Think of all the times when people either didn’t have coverage or a terrible plan. Often you will have the same affordability conversation with people multiple times,” Teresa says. “Offer them alternatives instead of only discussing the issue.”

Get More Strategic About Your PPOs

When you have upwards of 20 PPO plans to manage, the paperwork can seem to be endless, tedious, and overwhelming. And when you’re spending so much time on processing insurance claims, it takes focus away from what’s truly important: the patient.

The right membership plan can help you move away from PPOs

“So much time is dedicated to checking eligibility and benefits. Membership plans like Kleer eliminate that task so you can focus on patient care,” says Teresa.

The right membership plan can help you move away from PPOs and towards providing better care to patients. It also allows you to work smarter by cutting out the countless hours wasted on sifting through paperwork.

Avoid Office Burnout

… This text opens a new tab on the Dentistry IQ website…Employee burnout is also at an all-time high within dental offices, largely in part to the added stress of the pandemic. And while, yes, work culture plays a big role in righting the ship, removing all of the tedious tasks for administrators also helps to create a better work experience.

Employee burnout is at an all-time high within dental offices

For those whose practices might already have a proprietary membership plan, much of this tedious work is centered around signing up new patients and renewing their membership when their term is up (which also has to be manually tracked and managed for each individual patient).

“In my experience, offices who manage the plans themselves find that the wheels come off the bus when renewal time approaches. You will need to carve out time to work renewals and play phone tag with patients. Who has time for that?” asks Teresa.

With Kleer, all of that extra effort is eliminated, allowing it all to be automated within the platform. Patients can sign up for your membership plan directly through the Kleer widget on your practice website or via specialized QR code, monthly payments are all automated through their system, as are auto-renewals, making your life easier and taking unnecessary work off of your plate.

Start 2022 Off Right

It’s really a no-brainer: Kleer will allow you and your team to work smarter, improve patient care and treatment acceptance, and help your practice bring in additional revenue. Get started with … This text opens a new tab on the Kleer website…a Kleer membership plan today.

Kleer: Dental care, liberated.

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