Life Through the Eyes of the Spouse: Part One – How I Found My Role in Our Dental Practice (And You Can Too)

Real-World Insights from Megan Schulte, MAADOM.


My husband joined his father in practice right out of dental school in 2007. We bought the practice from his father in 2016. Then, he began to learn the joys and pains of running a dental office. Suddenly, my husband went from the associate, who held minimal responsibility, to overseeing the demands of a team and overhead costs while simultaneously practicing dentistry.

I remember the first 6 months he came home with the 10-pound weight on his shoulders as he navigated these demands while trying to keep the team happy. He was overwhelmed, and it was affecting our family life.

I knew I wanted to help, but I didn’t know what or how I could be helpful, not knowing anything about dentistry. We had three children by then, and I stayed home full-time. With the youngest in preschool, I signed her up for an extended day program and returned to work.

I had been ready to reenter the workforce after previously working as a social worker. I was secretly thrilled I did not have to apply or interview for a job since I had been out of the real world for so long but never imagined a career in dentistry.

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Joining the Dental Field

Ask any spouse of a Dentist, and I bet they would say they never imagined working day in and day out with their spouse.

Does anyone imagine themselves working with their spouse?

Until this moment, I was Dr. David’s wife who brought the kids in now and then for short visits, cleanings, and to meet him for lunch. I’d chat with the team and then head home.

How would I establish myself as “I’m here to help”? Do I wear scrubs or dress up?

I wanted to be accepted and respected. I am not clinically trained. Will they respect me? Will they see me as a valued team member?  Will our marriage struggle?

I have grown to love dentistry…at the start, mouths, blood, decay, and gum disease were not my cup of tea. I was thankful for people who liked teeth, but it was not at the top of my list years ago.

The First Day in the Dental Office

I wore scrubs on the first day and was greeted with smiles and hellos. The warm welcome felt good, and working with adults was great!

My husband gave me a short list of what I could take off his plate. It started with paying bills. And wouldn’t you know it?  Someone at the front desk had just quit!

I started helping at the front desk and paying bills twice a week. I made a lot of mistakes. A LOT!  Slowly but surely, every day became easier, and I enjoyed my teammates.

Paying bills and answering phones turned into learning how to send off insurance claims, calling insurance companies, and spending hours on hold while building relationships with our patients. I knew there was more to this than I had imagined.

What was next?

In upcoming issues, look for Part 2 and Part 3 of Life Through the Eyes of the Spouse.


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About the Author


Megan Schulte, MAADOM

Megan Schulte has worked in the dental field for eight years. Her knowledge of people and the industry has grown tremendously over the years. She works alongside her dentist husband in their practice, Schulte Family Dentistry.

Megan graduated from Kentucky Wesleyan College in 2003 with a degree in social work. She has been married to her husband, David, for 18 years, and they share 3 children. She loves to be surrounded by her friends, family, and a good book.

She was inducted as an AADOM Fellow in 2021 and a Master in 2024.


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