The Reasons You Do Not Delegate Are Actually the Reasons You Should
Delegation is one of the most necessary aspects of your everyday business life. Otherwise, you may have a difficult time getting through all the responsibilities on your plate that will lead to the completion of your goals.
For some, it can be extremely difficult to hand over responsibilities to someone else. However, the reasons you avoid delegating are many of the same reasons that you should be delegating.
How Trust Plays a Vital Role in Delegation
A common reason many do not delegate is a lack of trust.
You may be worried that the job will not be completed to your liking or in the necessary time frame. You trust these same employees with many tasks during their workday, but you cannot get out of your own way and realize they can be trusted with additional responsibilities.
When you delegate, not only will you have the chance to see your employee succeed or fail on their own merit, but you will also demonstrate your trust in them. This display of trust will foster a healthy and happy work environment.
Train Them How to Do Certain Tasks
You might think you can do something better yourself just because you already know how to do it. But just because you can do something does not mean that you are the correct or only person who should do it.
There are tasks that may take away hours of your time weekly that can easily be taught to a willing employee. That employee may make mistakes at first, but the time saved in perpetuity is well worth the time spent initially looking over their shoulder while they learn.
In fact, they may discover there is a better way to accomplish the task. Again, this will provide a better work environment because your employee will feel more valued through their receipt of extra responsibility.
Delegating Will Save You a Lot of Time
Time is a major factor in delegation. Perhaps you don’t delegate because you don’t believe there is enough time to teach someone else something you already know.
However, your employees learning new tasks that they can take off your list of things to do will create valuable time for you to accomplish other tasks. It is well worth the investment of time now to create future free time.
Learn What Each Employee is Capable Of
You may not know who the right employee is to assign to a new task. It is possible that you don’t delegate because you don’t want to choose the wrong employee.
However, delegating can actually help you figure out which of your employees are most up to the task. You’ll learn who you can trust with future projects, and who is best suited to remain in their own lane.
Delegation is a demonstration in leadership. Most employees want to impress their leaders.
They know their employment status, future raises, and rising through the ranks is based on what their leaders see in them. Delegation reiterates that you are in charge and when you have a task for them to complete, they should strive to do it.
Keep the Good Stuff for Yourself
My favorite reason to delegate is handing off a task I don’t enjoy. If you have been doing a job for many years, doing the same task repetitively over that same period can become an annoyance in your day.
A task that you look at as an annoyance is seen as a brand-new opportunity for one of your employees. You can improve both of your daily performances by simply handing off this type of task.
Delegating Allows Team Members to Better Themselves
Delegation is, most importantly, a way to develop your employees.
You want your employees to be trained in as many areas as possible. If you can train them to effectively do additional tasks when necessary, your business can run more smoothly.
Train yourself to realize the importance and benefits of delegation. Think about times tasks have been delegated to you, and how that made you feel.
Did you realize you were adding something extra to the workplace? Did it make you appreciate your job more?
Allow someone else to feel that same level of appreciation and improve your own workday in the process, through delegation.
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