Teresa Duncan, MS, FAADOM Plus The Contra Costa, CA Chapter Equals One Great Night
Submitted by Jessica Rivera, Contra Costa, CA Chapter Treasurer
On September 27th, the Contra Costa CA Chapter had a great night hosting the fabulous keynote speaker Teresa Duncan MS, FAADOM! With over 25 years of experience in the dental field, Teresa was the perfect person to address topics such as Insurance Coding and Insurance Updates. This was a hybrid course with Teresa joining us via zoom and our members meeting in person. We not only learned about insurance updates, but we discussed how to enhance our leadership skills and get our claims paid with a team approach! It was a full house and we were very excited to welcome several new members with delicious food, wine and some awesome raffle prizes.
In addition to the great turn out we were delighted to share our Tier II Chapter of the Year status with the group! We have an upcoming end of the year event so that we may celebrate this win with our entire chapter, At the conclusion of the meeting we asked anyone interested in FAADOM & MAADOM to stick around so that we can discuss the benefits that both distinctions offer, what the requirements are and how to present to their doctors. There is so much interest that it looks like 2023 in Orlando will be filled with celebration for the Contra Costa CA Chapter, as many of our members will be walking across the stage to be inducted!