Who Needs a Mentor?
Have you ever considered working with another practice leader? In your office, you may be seen as the go-to person or the ‘guru.’ The mark of a successful leader is to continue to learn new skills. AADOM’s network is the perfect place to find a mentor or a management ‘partner’ to bump your skills up to the next level!
Think of the few tasks that you like to postpone or just not do. What are they? For many managers, it’s compliance and regulatory documentation. Others find insurance to be challenging and need help. The next time you are on our popular AADOM Member Forum look to the names of the most explanatory answers or someone that you really learn from. Reach out to them and see if you can arrange a phone call. AADOM members are known for their camaraderie and friendship. I bet that your invitation to connect will be happily accepted!
The Annual AADOM Conference is another way to meet more like-minded people and hear conversation from different specialties, practice sizes and philosophies. It still amazes me how different practice visions can be. I’ve spoken with some managers who are very hands-off and others who are detail-oriented. Their teams respond in different ways which means their management style must encompass different personalities. Which type of manager are you?
If you are thinking that it would be a waste of time talk with another manager on a regular basis I encourage you to give it a shot. A nice way to dip your toe in the water is to connect with your local AADOM chapter. Visit our chapter directory on our site and reach out to the Chapter President. He or she’ll be happy to hear from you! Reaching outside of the office will be worth it when you pick up a time-saving tip or a money-saving insurance technique. Enhance your professional skills through the networking power of AADOM – reach out today!