
DPLN Leader Resources

Keep the national association up to date on your DPLN activity with these resources.

Looking for a great speaker for your chapter meeting?

Find a great speaker for your next DPLN meeting.

AADOM DPLN receive the benefits of the AADOM Speaker/Consultant Alliance (ASCA).

This powerful network of approved speakers is powered by the Academy of Dental Management Consultants (ADMC), the Speaking Consulting Network (SCN) and Dental Entrepreneur (DeW). This elite group of professionals are available for your next DPLN meeting!

AADOM National Chapter logo over a black and white background of AADOM members

DPLN meeting resources.

Every DPLN works with great industry companies who have stepped up to help support the mission of the Dental Professional Learning Network.

Many more companies have offered additional services and resources ranging from speaker support to assistance with food and beverage, all specifically for DPLN meetings. Start networking with this great group of supporting companies!

Upcoming DPLN meeting

Promote your next meeting to your local community.

Get the word out about your next DPLN dental connection meeting.

Provide your meeting information to AADOM national and we’ll make sure to promote it via social media, e-blast, and our national website.


Post-Meeting Docs & Pics

Submit post-meeting documents and pictures.

The required DPLN meeting documents are sign-in sheets and/or attendee reports, Affidavit(s), and Declaration(s).

Share your favorite event pictures (limit of 8) so we can update our DPLN Connection page and use pictures on our social media.


Chapter happenings

Share your DPLN happenings with AADOM.

Share your DPLN activity with our membership.

Tell us about your recent meeting, fundraising event, or special event. We’ll share this information in AADOM’s Observer Magazine and you’ll get DPLN points as an added bonus! Click the button below to get started

Share your sponsor

Refer your local sponsors to AADOM.

Does your DPLN work with a local company that you believe would be a potential new sponsor and/or exhibitor with the national association?

Share their information with us and earn points for the DPLN-of-the-Year program.

Click the button below.

Annual Report

Review and preparation.

AADOM National wants to make sure we support your local DPLN to the fullest by promoting your meetings, sharing sponsor information, syncing your member roster with the AADOM national member platform, and so much more!

Help your chapter grow by completing your DPL annual report.