
Kelli Carter, FAADOM

Kelli Carter is the Practice Administrator for Advanced Dentistry South Florida in Delray Beach, Florida. With more than 23 years of experience in the dental industry, Kelli has seen the many challenges that office managers face on a daily basis. She is passionate about giving back to the community, helping others, and protecting our environment. While the patient experience is extremely important, Kelli believes that it all starts with having an engaged team. Kelli is the Chapter President for the Southeast Florida Chapter of AADOM and a Fellow.
Making Life Intentional in 5 Steps
Personal Development |5 min read

Making Life Intentional in 5 Steps

As the new year is off to a start, we set goals for the coming year and reflect on what we accomplished last year. Sometimes they are related to the dental practice; they may be personal goals or goals related to your family. (Not to mention, the proverbial “be...