AADOM News |4 min read

The 4 Agreements Applied to Dentistry (Part 4) – Always Do Your Best

Blog post about the 4 agreements

In this final installment of the 4 Agreements Applied to Dentistry, we’ll learn about doing our best, being our best, and why it’s essential to our work life and dental teams.

Always Do Your Best

Your best will change from moment to moment and day by day. Your best will be different when you’re healthy and happy to work with your team, with a zest for your ability to lead an incredible group of people instead of being sick or in a bad mood. Under any circumstance, always give your best efforts to be the best version of yourself; your team and patients require it.

Being Our Best:  Our days would be exceptional if every team member arrived daily with their best intentions, attitude, and effort.  Being our best requires purposeful mindfulness, being very conscious of our behaviors, tones of voice, body language, and being present for each encounter. The more we practice being our best, the easier it becomes. The better we become, the more confident we are in achieving our goals and pushing through difficult situations.

Doing your best is important because you avoid self-judgment and regret. There will be no questioning yourself if you did the right thing or if you could have been nicer, kinder, more empathetic, etc.…  When we know, for sure, that we are doing our very best in each moment, there should not be anything to regret.  When we do our best, we accomplish more throughout the day, become more resilient to challenging situations, and build confidence in our abilities.

Doing our best is important because patients encounter us minimally twice, and depending on their treatment, they could see us numerous times per year.  At each encounter, our patients expect professionalism, friendliness, and courtesy from each of us. We simply cannot “have a bad day” in front of our patients. Being less than great indicates that something is wrong within our offices, and that would be an assumption from our patients (which we learned is an opinion only believed by others to be true) fueled by our behaviors. Certainly, the impression we want to leave with our patients is a positive one.

Showing up each day and being our best selves is vital to our team, too! Our whole team benefits from our happiness and willingness to lend a helping hand. The team knows that they’re supported and a top priority.  Be sure to express your gratitude and compliment their efforts as well.  Lead by example, and if everyone on the team does their best, the team will be stronger!

Practicing the 4 Agreements daily in your dental office will become easier with time and patience. If everyone is mindful, each of you will immediately notice when a negative word slips out, or a negative mood creeps in. It does happen; we’re human. Remind yourself to do better in the next moment. One helpful tool to radiate positive, uplifting, affirming words is writing them on your daily schedule (electronic or paper).  All team members can see the schedule and read and absorb the positive energy behind the messages. Using privacy screensavers, inspirational images, and quotes can be saved and loaded into the queue.

Review of The Four Agreements

  1. Be impeccable with your word.
  2. Don’t take anything personally.
  3. Don’t make assumptions.
  4. Always do your best.


Most employers and professional associations require that members adhere to a code of conduct or code of ethics. As members of AADOM, we have agreed to a code of conduct to ensure that we adhere to professional ethical behaviors. As a team, discuss and consider an agreement of personal conduct within your offices.  This could impressively uplift the culture, and being a better team is always the goal!


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About the Author

Lora GraetzerLora Graetzer, MAADOM

Lora Graetzer, MAADOM, DISIPC, a Master and lifetime member of AADOM, is dedicated to professional education and personal growth. Outside the office, you can find her outdoors enjoying an adventurous and busy life with her husband and 2 children. She is the Vice President of BAM Leadership League, an AADOM-approved DPLN, and 2023 Tier II Chapter of the Year! Check out the educational opportunities, peer connections, and fun that await you at www.BAMLeadershipLeague.com.


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