Colleen Huff, FAADOM, has been in the dental field for 28+ years. Starting as a dental customer service representative, she has worked/ managed dental offices during this time. Her experiences span managing multi-location practices to growing a practice from the ground up.
Colleen began full-time speaking and consulting in 2021. She helps dental practices around the country improve their dental insurance knowledge and administrative systems, as well as traveling the country speaking at national conventions as well as local AADOM Chapters on a variety of dental insurance topics. You can find her Insurance Mastery course at Front Office Rock.
She is the founder of the Buffalo/WNY AADOM Chapter, as well as an active Ambassador and Fellow class of 2015. For her leadership she was named one of the TOP 25 Women in Dentistry, 2017 by Dental Products Reports. Colleen is a proud member of NADP (National Association of Dental Plans), DCC (Dental Consultants Connection) as well as SCN (Speakers Consultant Network) along with being licensed to speak on dental codes through the ADA.