
Erin Anderson, FAADOM

Erin is currently an office manager in Longview, WA. She started 24 years ago as an ambitious dental assistant and quickly learned the ins and outs of dentistry. She found a passion for the business aspect and leadership in the profession. Erin believes that if she takes care of her team, they will care for their patients, which drives her passion to succeed. Erin holds an AADOM Fellowship distinction and will be inducted into the 2023 class of AADOM Masters (MAADOMs) in September.
Keeping Together
AADOM Members |3 min read

Keeping Together

Henry Ford said it perfectly: “Coming together is a beginning, keeping it together is a work in progress, and working together is a success.” This speaks to me so much in our world of management and team togetherness. Let’s find a way to make it happen through...

New Patients Welcome!
Marketing |4 min read

New Patients Welcome!

Letting your community and service area know that you are accepting new patients should be an ongoing effort for your practice. Making it obvious and convenient for people to know you are “open for business” is a great way to build trust and credibility in...