Sandy McGrew, FAADOM


Sandy McGrew, FAADOM, is a busy dental practice manager, wife, and mom.

She serves as the office manager at Podvia and Stanford Family Dentistry… This text opens a new tab to the Podvia and Stanford Family Dentistry website… in Florida. She began her career working for Aetna Dental Insurance and is also a certified dental assistant.

Today, Sandy works with 40+ practices throughout Florida and Georgia, helping staff through education related to insurance, marketing, and more.

In her free time, she stays busy by shuffling kids to soccer, dance, and swim meets. Otherwise, you’ll be sure to find her at the pool or beach!

4 Areas to Focus Your Marketing Efforts
Marketing |5 min read

4 Areas to Focus Your Marketing Efforts

When it comes to marketing, every practice is different. It’s necessary to evaluate what your office is looking to accomplish. More new patients, more community involvement, etc. I like to look at a few things to determine a starting point. Then I meet with the...