We Weren’t Made To Do It All

Real-World Insights from Heather McCann, DAADOM.


Frazzled … burnt out … drowning in to-do lists?

You’re not alone in feeling overwhelmed.

We are a private practice, and since we reopened from our COVID closure three years ago, we have been busting at the doors with patients needing to be seen with no openings in sight. A wonderful problem to have; however, our small office is not fully staffed to handle this overwhelming need. It’s hard to juggle everything within our responsibility, especially when we don’t even have time to do our basic job.

I am the only front desk employee as well as the office manager. This means I am the greeter, check-out person, phone receptionist, appointment maker, insurance filer and verifier, treatment planner and presenter, banker, bill payer, IT fixer, and all the other things that happen in a single day.

Most days, I start out feeling like I can conquer anything that comes my way. But by the end of the day, I’m worn out mentally and physically. I’m exhausted and look at the piles on my desk, wondering if I even accomplished anything at all.

Let Go and Manage

As office managers, we have a lot on our plates and wear so many hats. If you’re like me, you think you are superwoman and can handle it all. This in reality, is not true; we have to let go of things and actually do our job as office managers and manage!

So, how do we let go of the reigns to be the manager and accomplish what the office actually needs?

Let me tell you, it’s not easy because I tend to be a bit OCD at the office and like things to be handled in certain ways. To be honest, it’d just be simpler if I did it.

But we have to learn to trust our team and to train everyone to work in a cohesive unit, be productive, and accomplish the team’s dreams together!

Learn More Now

How Not to Get Burnt Out in the Dental Office

We are not built to do it all or be superwoman … so, hire the extra assistant or float member to assist in the front or back as needed throughout the day. Delegate tasks to your team. You’ve hired them, so trust them with the work they were hired to do.

Set realistic goals not only for each team member but for yourself as well. Outsource or hire a company or companies that will make your life easier and simpler.

Remember to just BREATHE! Take time for yourself each day.

The days can get overwhelming. A patient can come in angry, yelling at us for no apparent reason. Or you have a procedure that throws everyone behind, leaving them stressed and coming to you. Take a bathroom break, walk around the office parking lot for a breather, or just sit in your car and turn up the music.

At the end of the day, we love our teams and jobs, but we have to learn to manage our own roles and expectations for ourselves. Because if we are frazzled or burnt out, then how do we go about leading our teams? Take it all one day at a time and enjoy it.


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About the Author


Profile of Heather McCann, DAADOM.


Heather McCann, DAADOM

Heather was on the mission field during college when she became interested in the dental field. After she finished her internship in Haiti, she returned home to complete a dental assisting course and began my dental career in 2005 as an assistant.

In 2007, Heather returned and earned her expanded functions dental assistant certificate. Over the next few years, she cross-trained herself to learn insurance, billing, and all the front office ins and outs.

Heather is a lifetime member of AADOM and received her FAADOM in 2021 and MAADOM in 2023. She earned her DAADOM in 2024.

She is passionate about helping people in all aspects of life and giving back to the community.


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